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Black Friday

what to do, what to do? Colors? Styles? A certain light? All the lights? Some of the lights? The small ones? The big ones? The cheap ones? The expensive ones? The hot sellers? The slow sellers?

where is Doctor Seuss when you need him? What do you guys want? Come on OlightFam! Chime in!

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Olight Palace

It was a dark and stormy night. The park had just closed. There weren’t many people around because of the weather. As the storm increased the clouds rolled in and a heavy blackness engulfed the castle. There was a Tremor in the ground and a flash of light and up rose Olight Palace. You could see Ollie at the controls. He was a fine pilot. Olight Palace hovered over Disneyland, and then flew into the sky. It’s been said that you can still hear Olight Ollie’s Yell “OOY” echoing in Magic Mountain.

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Welcome to the Family….

Hey Beamers, your in the Olight Family now! OlightFam is charged up that your here! We have a collection of Rare and Custom Beams made by the Most Advanced LightMaker in the World. Olight sold by OlightFam has magnetic charging that matches its magnetic styles and colors. Olight sold by OlightFam offers a five year warranty on all of its products. So rest assured that you’re getting the latest and greatest cutting-edge technology made by a World Class manufacturer. You can count on us , OlightFam, to take care of you through the Lght and the Dark. Shine your light on us anytime day or night. Any questions or concerns you may have please light us up! We stay charged!